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Universities and Colleges

After graduation from high school most kids pursue further education in a field they choose. There are lots of choices when it comes to your post secondary education.

Stop by the Forty Mile Regional FCSS and CRC building and talk to Corinna Roth-Beacome or Terri-Lynn Arnal for help with applications, scholarships, and more. Call (403) 867-3077.


Athabasca University:

Athabasca University (AU) is Canada's leading distance-education and online university: Canada's Open University. We currently serve about 32,000 students per year, following a period of rapid growth which has seen student numbers double over a six-year period. Some 260,000 students have registered in AU's individualized courses and programs since the University was created by the Government of Alberta in 1970. Athabasca University, Canada's Open University, is dedicated to the removal of barriers that restrict access to and success in university-level study and to increasing equality of educational opportunity for adult learners worldwide. 


Athabasca University
1 University Drive
Athabasca, AB
T9S 3A3

Canada/US: 1-800-788-9041
International: (780) 675-6100
Fax: (780) 675-6437

Grant MacEwan University:

On September 24, 2009, the Government of Alberta made an historic announcement when it granted Grant MacEwan College the authority to be named Grant MacEwan University. Grant MacEwan University will continue its legacy of responding to the needs of students - and the world around them - with a dynamic mix of certificate, diploma, degree transfer, applied degree and undergraduate degree programs.


Grant MacEwan University
P.O. Box 1796
Edmonton, AB
T5J 2P2

Phone: (780) 497-5040
Fax: (780) 497-5001

Mount Royal University:

Mount Royal's reputation for excellence in teaching and learning attracts about 13,000 students like you every year from across the country and around the globe. Diverse and exciting campus reflects the vast mosaic of cultures, customs, languages and perspectives of the world we live in. All programs are current, innovative and relevant, developed with input from business and industry leaders to keep them at the leading edge. Classrooms and labs are equipped with the latest teaching and learning technology. Instructors bring academic and professional credentials as well as real-world experience to the classroom.

Mount Royal offers more than 60 degree, diploma, university transfer and certificate programs in areas such as arts, business, communications, health and community studies, and science and technology. That means more choices for you. Small classes will give you a personalized and enhanced learning experience - a real sense of community. 


Mount Royal University
Calgary, Alberta

Prospective Student Services:
(403) 440-5000
Office of External Relations:
(403) 440-6111
Fax: (403) 440-5938

University of Alberta:

Within a vibrant and supportive learning environment, the University of Alberta discovers, disseminates, and applies new knowledge through teaching and learning, research and creative activity, community involvement, and partnerships. The University of Alberta gives a national and international voice to innovation in our province, taking a lead role in placing Canada at the global forefront. 38,000 students across 18 faculties at five separate campus locations – four in Edmonton and one in Camrose – plus other unique locations across the province.


University of Alberta
114 St - 89 Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2E1

Main switchboard: 780.492.3111 


University of Calgary:

The University of Calgary, at 40 years of age, is one of the youngest universities in Canada. Yet we rank among the top 10 in sponsored research funding and in endowments and annual fundraising. Provincially, the university has accommodated more student enrolment growth than any other postsecondary institution.


University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta
T2N 1N4

(403) 220-5110 

University of Lethbridge:

The University of Lethbridge is one of Canada's finest post-secondary institutions. Our focus on the liberal arts, selected professional programs, smaller classes, coop placements and involvement of students in faculty research provides the very best education available. At the Masters level, programs in the arts, science, education and management are very successful. Most importantly, we have just formed the School of Graduate Studies and admitted our first PhD students.


University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1K 3M4

Phone: (403) 329-2111

University of Saskatchewan:

USask is one of the top research-intensive, medical doctoral universities in Canada, and is home to world-leading research in areas of global importance, like water and food security. Study and discovery is enhanced by our outstanding facilities, including the Canadian Light Source synchrotron, VIDO-InterVac, the Global Institute for Food Security, the Global Institute for Water Security and the Sylvia Fedoruk Centre for Nuclear Innovation.


Main switchboard

105 Administration Place
Saskatoon SK S7N 5A2



Ambrose University College:

Ambrose University College is the official institution of The Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada and the Church of the Nazarene Canada. Ambrose seeks to glorify God through the equipping of men and women for service in the church and society. This vision is fulfilled through: The Faculty of Arts & Science, Promoting redemptive engagement with human society and our natural environment., The Faculty of Theology, Undergraduate Division, Providing Christian studies and personal formation for the service of the church worldwide. Seminary Division. Preparing Christians to serve and lead the church in its mission in the world. 


Ambrose University College
630, 833 - 4th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB, Canada
T2P 3T5

Tel: 1.403.410.2000
Fax: 1.403.571.2556
Enrolment: 1.800.461.1222 

Bow Valley College:

Uncover what's inside. Pursue your true calling at Bow Valley College. Our programs and courses offer a huge range of career options that can unleash your potential. Plus, our instructors make sure you’re well prepared to take up an exciting new position.

Each year, we help more than 11,000 learners reach their goals at our downtown Calgary campus and in over 20 locations throughout Southern Alberta.


Bow Valley College
332 – 6 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 4S6

Phone: (403) 410-1400
Toll-free within Canada: 1-866-4-BVC-NOW (1-866-428-2669)
TTY - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Admissions: (403) 410-1505


Canadian University College (Burman University):

Canadian University College (CUC), located in Lacombe, Alberta, is a Christian university offering over 20 fully accredited undergraduate degree diploma and certificate programs. CUC is accredited through the Alberta Campus Alberta Quality Council.


Canadian University College
5415 College Ave.
Lacombe, AB, Canada
T4L 2E5

Main Phone: 403-782-3381
Toll Free: 800-661-8129
Main Fax: 403-782-3170 

College of the Rockies:

The College of the Rockies is a Canadian public community college, located in the southeast corner of British Columbia, Canada. The main campus is in Cranbrook, with regional campuses in Creston, Fernie, Golden, Invermere, and Kimberley.


Address: 2700 College Way, Cranbrook British Columbia V1C 5L7
Phone: 1 (877) 489-2687

Grande Prairie Regional College:

Fine educational, athletic and cultural opportunities, as well as landmark architecture, are all part of the contribution Grande Prairie Regional College (GPRC) makes to community life in Grande Prairie and the Peace River region. More than 2,000 students annually pursue university studies, career and academic upgrading programs at GPRC, and some 6,000 students register in training programs and continuing education classes each year. The College is situated on a picturesque urban lake and is adjacent to trails well-suited to walking, biking, or cross-country skiing. Grande Prairie Regional College (GPRC) offers a wide variety of programs including university studies, options for degree completion, certificate and diploma programs and trade programs. Instruction is based on campuses in two communities in northwestern Alberta: the City of Grande Prairie and the Town of Fairview. Strong programming and highly qualified faculty ensure comprehensive opportunities for the learners of our region and welcomes students from around the world.


Grande Prairie Regional College
10726-106 Avenue
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
T8V 4C4

Toll-Free: 1-888-539-4772
Local: 780-539-2944

Lakeland College:

Lakeland College is a board-governed public college operating under the authority of the Post Secondary Learning Act of Alberta. The College has campuses in Lloydminster and Vermilion and serves communities in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The College awards certificates, diplomas, applied degrees, and baccalaureate degrees designed to meet the needs of both learners and the communities served by the College. Lakeland College programs offer learning opportunities in academic upgrading, agriculture and the environment, business, fire and public safety, health and human services, tourism, apprenticeship and technology and university transfer.


1-800-661-6490 Toll-free within Canada
24 hours a day, 7 days a week (even holidays) 

Lethbridge College:

Established in 1957, Lethbridge Community College is a board-governed public college operating under the authority of the Post-secondary Learning Act of Alberta. Its main campus is located in the City of Lethbridge, and it maintains learning centres at other locations in Southern Alberta to increase access for Aboriginal and rural learners. Lethbridge Community College offers programs that lead to further education or to career employment through its apprenticeship, certificate, diploma, applied baccalaureate degree, and baccalaureate degree programs. Working collaboratively within Alberta's system of public post-secondary education, Lethbridge Community College provides a range of educational opportunities in a variety of academic program areas, including Business and Management, Design and Technology, Justice Studies, Health and Human Services, Agriculture and the Environment, Trades, Preparatory Studies and University Transfer.


Lethbridge College
3000 College Drive South
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1K 1L6

Main Switchboard: 403-320-3200
Toll-Free (in Canada only): 1-800-572-0103 

Medicine Hat College:

Medicine Hat College (MHC) has been serving students in southeastern Alberta and beyond since 1965. Situated in Canada's sunniest city, MHC's main campus services almost 2,500 students each year with another 200 attending Brooks Campus, located 100 km west of Medicine Hat. With some of the lowest student-to-instructor ratios in the province, Medicine Hat College offers a very personal, one-on-one student experience. MHC offers a wide variety of programs to meet the ever-changing needs of students from southeastern Alberta and around the world. Currently, more than 30 diplomas and certificates are offered along with 25 university transfer programs. There are also several opportunities for degree completion at MHC including nursing, applied arts, and social work. A partnership with the University of Calgary makes it possible for nursing students to complete a full bachelor's degree at Medicine Hat College while graduates from diploma programs such as Police and Security may also complete degrees. Medicine Hat College is proud to offer other unique diploma programs such as Addictions Counselor, Technical Illustrator, Paramedic, and Deaf and Blind Support Specialist. New applied degrees are also offered in Ecotourism and Outdoor Leadership and Visual Communications.


Medicine Hat College
299 College Drive SE
Medicine Hat, AB

Telephone: (403) 529-3811
Toll Free: 1 (866) 282-8394
Fax: (403) 504-3517 

NorQuest College:

The NorQuest College experience enables adult students to embrace new challenges and overcome obstacles. With daytime and evening classes, work experience opportunities, and individualized learning plans, NorQuest gives students more options in achieving their employment and educational goals. NorQuest's flexible full time, part time, and distance delivery program formats allow learners to pursue an education while working, raising a family, or residing in rural areas. Four campuses: Edmonton Downtown, Edmonton Westmount, Stony Plain, and Wetaskiwin.


NorQuest College

10215 - 108 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5J 1L6

General Inquiries and Registration Services
Room 104, Main Building
Info Line (780) 644-6000
Toll free at (866) 534-7218 

NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology):

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology is a leader in technical training and applied education designed to meet the demands of Alberta's industries. NAIT graduates provide the skilled workforce required to support today's global, knowledge-based economy. 


The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
11762 - 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T5G 2R1

NAIT Main Switchboard: (780) 471-7400
Fax: (780) 471-8583

Campus Locations:
Fairview, Grande Prairie, High Level,
Peace River, St. Albert 

Olds College:

Located 45 minutes north of Calgary, Olds College prepares students to contribute provincially, nationally and internationally through careers in agriculture, horticulture, environmental land management, agribusiness, and rural entrepreneurship.


Olds College
4500 - 50th Street
Olds, Alberta
T4H 1R6

Switchboard/Information (403) 556-8281 


Portage College:

Whatever your education and career goals, Portage College is here for you with more than 30 certificate and diploma programs from which you can choose, including career programs, trades and technical, academic upgrading and university studies.


Portage College
Box 417, 9531 - 94 Avenue
Lac La Biche, Alberta
T0A 2C0

Toll-Free: 1-866-623-5551

Red Deer College:
At Red Deer College, the focus is on learning and student success. Instructors are devoted to teaching with a student-centered approach. Up-to-date technology and state-of-the art facilities serve learners in certificate and diploma programs, university transfer, degree completion, credit-free courses, and high school upgrading.


Red Deer College
100 College Boulevard
P.O. Box 5005
Red Deer, AB
T4N 5H5

Main Number: (403)342-3300
Fax Number: (403)340-8940 

Reeves College:

Programs and courses at Reeves College deliver a fundamental education through classroom-based teaching and experiential learning. Career-related concepts and theories are taught in the classroom while a hands-on approach allows students to see the theories and concepts in action. Working on practical assignments that resemble projects they will encounter on the job, students develop and strengthen the skills that employers demand. The faculty at Reeves College are also experienced professionals in their fields. Their industry experience brings an added dimension to the classroom. Students learn the tools, techniques and technologies from people who use them on the job. And the small class sizes at Reeves College allow students to get the attention and focused education they need when they need it.


Reeves College, Calgary City Centre Campus
#1500-910 7th Ave SW
Calgary, AB
T2P 3N8

Reeves College, Calgary North Campus
Unit 120, 2886 Sunridge Way NE
Calgary, Alberta
T1Y 7H9


Reeves College, Edmonton City Centre Campus
500 - 10004 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 1R3


Reeves College, Lethbridge Campus
#110 601 4th Avenue S
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1J 0N6


Reeves College, Lloydminster Campus
5012 – 49th Street, Upper-Level
Lloydminster, Alberta
T9V 0K2

SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology):

As Canada’s leading polytechnic, SAIT is world-renowned for its training expertise and is the leading provider of skilled workers to the energy sector and other industries. Our partnerships with employers ensure that SAIT provides graduates with the high-tech skills and knowledge required by employers.


SAIT Main Campus
1301 16th Ave NW
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
T2M 0L4

Phone (Main Campus) (403) 284-7248
Phone TOLL FREE 1-877-284-7248
Phone (Switchboard) (403) 284-8110
Admissions and Registration (403) 284-7248
Fax Line (403) 284-7112

The King's University College:

The King's University College is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) and of the Association of Universities and Colleges in Canada (AUCC). The King's degrees are accredited under the Post-Secondary Learning Act of Alberta. 


The King's University College
9125 - 50 St.
Edmonton, AB, Canada
T6B 2H3

Phone: (780) 465-3500
Toll Free: 1-800-661-8582
Fax: (780) 465-3534