401 – 1st Street East, Foremost
Church Office: (403) 867-3559
Worship: 10:30am (Summer)
Worship: 11:00AM (Winter)
Also offers Vacation Bible School for kids in August!
Watch for posters around town for dates!
202 2nd Ave E, Foremost
(403) 867-3552
Pastor Ruth Preston Schilk
Services are:
First 2 Sundays of the month start at 12:00pm
Third-Fifth Sundays of the month start at 10:00am
302 – 3rd Ave W
(403) 867-3692
Sunday Service: 11:00 am
Office Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm
1 (403) 545-2023
205 2 Street West, Foremost, Alberta
Father "Voytech" Jarecki
Mass at 11:00am Every Sunday
President Kim Kultgen: (403) 867.3839
Meetings are held every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm (excluding July & August) at the O.L.P.H. Rectory.
Fall Roast Beef Supper is always on the first Sunday in November at the Foremost Community Hall
(403) 868-2136
Box 75 Orion, Alberta T0K 1S0
Pastor Matt Howard
Sunday Services 11:00am with Sunday School and Nursery offered.